The Iconic Morning Show Becomes a Digital Lifestyle Destination
Over the course of a year, Code and Theory partnered with NBC News to reimagine as an all-day lifestyle destination. Through close collaboration, we worked to design and develop a site that's as fresh and exciting as the content it hosts.
The Challenge needed an elegant way to showcase both their original digital content and daily content from the Today show.
The Today show has a loyal fan base of viewers, so creating an experience that felt familiar to fans, but still brought differentiated content, was top of mind. Our strategy implemented product offerings, contests, and giveaways to drive conversion and bring these loyal TV viewers online.
The Solution
We established a clearer hierarchy on the site, improving ease of navigation. Along with engaging new hero treatments and way-finding design, we created a seamless cross-platform experience that opened new possibilities for editors and advertisers alike.
On August 10, 2018, went live with this fresh and invigorating look.