Engaging a Coveted Demographic With Digital Storytelling
The Framework
As part of our ongoing partnership with adidas, the brand had a renewed priority to reset its meaning among younger women and femme-centered audiences. Building on the ‘Impossible is Nothing’ brand platform, we used digital to create a purpose driven evolution and global call to action – “I’m Possible’ through sport, fashion, and culture.
We knew these groups require brand experiences that are deeply individualized - and created custom target profiles centered around audiences for Sport, Purpose and Fashion to inform our digital journey. Using individual behaviors, we gave audiences personal tools and experiences to realize their own possibilities, with continual opportunity for engagement outside the primary brand films.

The Transformation
This journey spanned the digital universe of adidas, using digital storytelling across global websites to highlight powerful, purposeful stories. From there, CRM and custom profiles within adidas membership and the apps let audiences engage deeper with talent. The website, often treated as merely a digital storefront, was redesigned as a hub for storytelling and interaction without product, requiring unique strategy and content.

The Final Outcome
Our experience saw record dwell time and watch-through of the brand films, and centered our inclusion responsibility - showcasing and prioritizing our audiences in the male-centered world of athletics. We created over 300 individual assets to create a digital first campaign that was translated into dozens of languages worldwide. Internally, we staffed the campaign with a predominantly female team, to live up to the ethos of the brand’s message.
The adidas website is typically reserved as the brand’s biggest retail storefront, but we transformed global pages into rich storytelling experiences that focused on the message, and centering exemplary young talent, to truly put people over profit as the campaign intended.

Exclusive Content Made Inclusive
We transformed the adidas app to give members exclusive access via rich content that profiled the campaign’s talent. Custom ‘player profiles’ used interactive digital media to let adidas members interact and be inspired by stories, custom content and tips directly from the diverse team.
A Global Call To Action
We scaled the journey of this campaign to adidas markets around the world, translating to over a dozen languages and bringing record engagement onsite across numerous markets through content that didn’t include any product or sales incentive.