Launching a Powerful Resource to Spark Action on Gun Violence
The Background
Giffords approached Code and Theory with a problem—how do they provide users with an unparalleled level of detail in researching gun violence data while creating a simple user experience that doesn’t get bogged down by complex non-profit structures?
The Solution
Our first step was understanding very different users, and then structuring content and the product system around their needs. As we dug deeper, we discovered that new users and committed issue advocates alike had similar requirements—understand Giffords’ role in stopping gun violence, research the scope of the issue, and discover the actions that need to be taken. The difference, it turns out, was in the level of detail and nuance each audience desires. So we built the site around a simple structure that rewards the deepest of dives.

The Result
The new site blends emotional storytelling and rich data, all on a state-of-the-art technology platform designed around content editors at the front lines of a critical issue.