Introducing a New Platform for an Institutional Powerhouse
More than insurance: MetLife is also a massive financial institution that has been managing its general fund for over 150 years. In 2011, the company converted its unique skill set in institutional asset management into a new business line that served fellow insurance companies and enterprise asset owners. They called this unit MIM, Metlife Investment Management.

Through extensive stakeholder interviews and organizational research we discovered a cohesive culture that is built around strong teams with clear identities and missions. These teams are the epicenter for the original thinking and insights that distinguish MIM from its competitors and from the perception that they do insurance only.

Content Approach
A deeper and richer ecosystem for content
The new MIM platform drives exploration with bold colors, team quotes, and clear data points that stay relevant for institutional investor audience segments.

Data visualization permeates throughout the experience to link thought leadership content with objective facts.

The Result
The new MIM site is a future-proofed platform for the brand. This is the first iteration of the new site; it introduces a series of features around the core value propositions of exceptional talent and teams, and a breadth of exceptional services. Future phases of this product will amplify the thought leadership content that comes from that core. The new home page experience is designed to help investment consultants drive new clientele to consider MIM by establishing them as a credible brand in the investment space.