Unifying Prudential's Global Asset Management Network
The Background
As a top-10 global asset manager with $1.4 trillion in AUM, PGIM houses eight specialized business units under a common, 4-year-old brand. With each of the individual managers operating their own marketing sites, the existing user experience confused institutional users looking to understand a nascent brand and broad swath of products across the enterprise. Potential leads were further stymied by a lack of clear calls-to-action, resulting in isolated content engagement that never added up to a reliable client pipeline.
The Approach
Through research we discovered common user motivations that transcend investment vehicles, market or organizational roles—making fund recommendations, monitoring performance and getting strategic advice. Designing around these three motivations meant we could simplify the site system while simultaneously increasing the nuance in calls-to-action.
The Result
A system that outfits all content with a toolkit for easy sharing, quick evaluation, and contextual engagement. As part of the toolkit, each business has the power to determine where and how content appears across the full ecosystem. The experience launching in June 2020 sees thought leadership freed from printer-focused PDFs, micro-interactions helping users quickly scan information, and content that adapts next steps to a user’s location and role.