Snapple Re-enFACTments
Late one night, Managing Partner Steve Baer sat in his office surrounded by three walls covered in scribbled post-its. He was searching for a unique way for Snapple to engage an audience in an increasingly fragmented digital landscape. It had to be a simple, scalable idea that was true to the brand but also gave the creative team enough runway to create an ongoing narrative.
It had to be a simple, scalable idea that was true to the brand but also gave the creative team enough runway to create an ongoing narrative. Then his team stumbled upon a juicy insight: Snapple drinkers love the The Real Facts. Yes, those quirky little facts printed beneath the lid of every Snapple.
As it turns out, these little caps were a big topic of conversation online. Just search #snapple on Instagram or Tumblr and you'll see.
When he sat down with his team to write the creative brief, the idea hit them:
The cap IS the creative brief.

The idea was to have creative collaborators reenact – well, "re-enFACT" – their interpretations of Snapple's beloved Real Facts from the cap.
With more than 800 Real Facts and counting, there was more than enough creative fodder to generate substantial amounts of content across every platform. And, because the Facts themselves are timeless, the content itself would sustain.
And so, the Snapple Re-enFACTments campaign was born.

Bringing the Facts to Life
Our first task was to choose “Snapply” collaborators– interesting makers and doers whose personalities aligned with the brand.
We zeroed in on characters who brought with them their own, unique fan base from every corner of the web.
We made sure to cast a wide net – we found digital artists, animators, filmmakers, musicians, comedians, chefs, game makers, toy makers, TV personalities. Even an art chef.
Our creative brief to them? Pick a Real Fact and bring it to life.
Pretty soon, we had more content than we ever thought possible: images, videos, Vines, animated gifs, physical products, video games, installations, and events.

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Real Fact #682 Re-Enfacted by Toymaker Frank Kozik
Snapple Real Fact #682 says "The giant panda can eat up to 83 lbs of bamboo a day." So toymaker Frank Kozik created a limited-edition toy panda that Snapple fans could name.

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Real Fact #230 Re-Enfacted by Andrew Zimmern
Chef Andrew Zimmern did a bizarre re-enFACTment of Real Fact #230 by, well, doing what he does best.

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Real Fact #751 Re-Enfacted by Carlo's Bakery
"Flamingos can only eat with their heads upside down," says Snapple Real Fact #751. So the Cake Boss himself created a gravity-defying dessert made for two sweet-toothed flamingos to share.

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Real Fact #238 Presented by the 25th Annual Ostrich Festival
We even brought a few Real Facts to life ourselves. Real Fact #238 ("An ostrich's brain is smaller than its eye") inspired the Code and Theory team to head down to the Annual Ostrich Festival in Chandler, Arizona, to prove that the true measurement of a champion *isn’t* the size of its brain.

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Real Fact #444: The Statue of Liberty Wears a Size 879 Sandal
And to bring Snapple Real Fact #444 to life, we built one of the largest sandals in the world for one of the most recognized icons in the world – The Statue of Liberty.

Every Wednesday, Every Platform

A new Re-enFACTment launched every Wednesday, driving anticipation from fans who soon became eager to see the unveiling of the next Real Fact.
We released teaser social posts at the beginning of each week to stoke the Re-enFACTment frenzy. And on every launch day, we distributed each piece across Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, as well as Snapple's responsive website so that fans everywhere could enjoy it on any device.

The Results
Each Re-enFACTment helped us leverage niche celebs to reach new audiences in social in a unique way.
In fact, Snapple Re-enFACTments content alone increased engagement on Snapple’s social platforms more than 69 percent — this means more brand newsfeed stories, and thus, a broader household reach for Snapple.
The campaign generated 73 million earned organic media impressions, which increased Snapple’s relevance across a number of verticals, from sports to gaming.
In the end, Snapple became the #1 tea brand on Twitter and Facebook, cementing its relevance as a major player in the social sphere.
By tapping into the power of colorful influencers, and harnessing a key piece of the most-beloved part of the brand experience, we uncapped a whole new world of possibilities for Snapple.