A Flexible Component Library For The Jazz Brand
The Overview
The Xywav set of sites offers a full-range of flexible components to accommodate all content and regulatory-approved needs for a pharmaceutical brochureware website. Using Wordpress, included are a wide range of components that include above-the-fold featured content with images or video, 3-up modules, full-bleed video, data visualization, forms, rich text, and more. The components can be quickly styled specific to the clients’ brand look and feel while retaining their structure and functionality. Mobile-friendly design that works across breakpoints ensure a consistent, engaging experience across all devices.

We designed a range of features, including: an emergency banner across the top of the page; sticky navigation that can accommodate a logo, sign-up CTA, and a maximum of five main items with the potential for dropdown menus; above the fold feature content that can accommodate an image or video; large promo module; 3-up module; full-bleed video; and "learn more" links.
Flexible Components
Most components can be placed anywhere on the page to allow for your specific content needs.
Data Visualizations
Features such as icons, bulleted lists, numbered lists, tables, and images allow for precise story-telling.
For long pages, the progress bar tracks the user’s progress down the page providing a visual queue to the reader.

We created a mobile-friendly design that works across breakpoints ensure a consistent, engaging experience across all devices. During development, we tried and tested techniques such as finger swiping cards or charts and tables are employed across the site.
Collapsing, hamburger navigation allows for the maximum viewport space, easy to finger tap navigation headings, and a prominent “Have Questions” form promo are available to guide the user throughout the site.

Specific aspects of content types can be configured to adjust their look-and-feel to provide some contrast to sections of the site without requiring developer intervention.