Reinventing the Quest Digital Patient Experience
The Background
Quest Diagnostics had a digital product portfolio of 25+ separate products for multiple audiences—including patients, consumers, doctors and medical professionals, hospitals and insurance companies. The ecosystem was extremely fractured and misaligned and was not platformed around central pillars or strategies.
Code and Theory's objective was to:
- Audit the ecosystem
- Determine and create strategic pillars for each of its audiences
- Recommend merging or sunsetting of certain products and capabilities to create a more streamlined, homogenous product ecosystem
- Create a roadmap for future product release

The Strategy
Customer First
Quest’s four main customer segments have distinct needs (both physical and digital) during their interactions. Patients want to take charge of their health by understanding their test results in greater depth and context. HCPs need Quest to create the least amount of paperwork and help them make better clinical decisions for their patients. Health Systems and Payers, on the other hand, want access to analytics data in order to make better business decisions.
Our research resulted in a visualized “Service Blueprint” and a series of “Experience Maps” that streamlined and integrated the experience journeys of the users. This research, and the resulting documentation, helped us identify customer pain-points, concerns, and stress levels through the Quest experience, as well as expose gaps and redundancies in service and product offerings.
Clarifying Products Through Partnership
Quest has 30+ digital products, many of which were built to complement existing products through a quick-fix, “band-aid” mentality. The integration and standardization of these products was key in consolidating Quest’s offering in digital.
In order to better understand how these organizational challenges and customer-facing products influence Quest’s internal systems and communication flow, we worked closely with the company’s digital product team and technical architects. Additionally, to bring in a fresh perspective, we conducted our own functional and technical audit of every public-facing product offered by the company.

The Conclusion
Healthcare Provider Portal
Our first product output of the engagement was the design and front-end code for a Healthcare Provider portal, which represented the optimal and most relevant features and functions that Quest's healthcare provides for clients.
Test Center
Following the Healthcare Provider Portal project, we were contracted to Define and Design another product for Quest, their "Test Center,” where they make available information related to all of their diagnostic test offers.
This product captures the complexity of Lab Test Workflow into a simple and intuitive interface, meant to be used in any context, from doctor office to hospitals to mobile for phlebotomists.
Quest Direct-to-Consumer Vision Work
In early 2017, Quest reached out again to build on our previous work and explore how the future product roadmap may inform a future vision of a "direct-to-consumer" business model. We developed a vision to support their initiative for this market segment.
Refreshing the Brand
We consolidated Quest’s 30+ existing products into four digital platforms, one for each of the four distinct customer segments. Each platform will be united around the coherent Quest brand, and serve as a single entryway to all available Quest-related actions and information.
We designed this environment based on a modular system that leverages all available data across products, rather than limiting its inputs, as before, to fragments of data from only one product area. These platforms make it simple for Quest Diagnostics to manage their products and share valuable insights from throughout the organization, thereby improving their operations and fortifying their brand value.